Visiting a college campus can make deciding on a school a whole lot easier. Comparing academic programs, enrollment, financial aid, and other facts on paper is very different from actually being on a campus and seeing how you feel amidst the other students. When I was a senior in high school, I visited Nazareth during one of their #NazBound Days, which are special events for accepted students. I had the chance to explore Nazareth’s campus, and what the school has to offer. After I arrived on campus and saw the beautiful buildings, the amazing services available to students, and the strength of the academic programs, I knew Nazareth was where I belonged. #NazBound Days and campus tours are a great opportunity to experience a day in the life of a Nazareth student, but with so many things to see, it can be hard to know where to start. However, there are a number of opportunities you simply can’t miss, as they really set Nazareth apart from other schools.

Sit In on a Class

One of the experiences that makes going to a #NazBound Day so unique is the opportunity to be fully immersed in Nazareth’s culture, from academics to student life. When I visited Nazareth, I was able to sit in on two real classes in disciplines I was interested in, including Economics, which took place in Nazareth’s state of the art Finance Lab. Sitting in on a college course sounded a little intimidating at the time, but the teachers and students in the class made me feel so welcome, and were happy to answer any questions I had about Nazareth and the classes the school offers. Even if you are unsure of what you want to study, Naz offers a number of different classes to sit in on when you visit. Being able to experience a real class gave me a great idea of what it was like to be a college student, and even helped me decide what I wanted to study once I arrived.

Get a Sneak Peak of the Glazer Music Performance Center

Music Performance majors, and anyone else who enjoys attending live shows, will love Nazareth’s new building, the Jane and Lawrence Glazer Music Performance Center. As I mentioned in a previous post, the building is expected to be completed in the fall of 2018, and will feature a 550-seat music venue with cutting edge acoustics. In addition, the new building  will allow Nazareth to partner with local music organizations, like the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. While the building isn’t complete yet, you can stop by and get a preview of how great the new addition will be, and how the impact it will have on members of the Nazareth community.

Drop by the York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute

Students looking to come to Nazareth for a major in the School of Health and Human Services can take advantage of the York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute, one of Nazareth’s newest additions. The building houses classes for students in fields like occupational, physical, speech and music therapy, and allows them to work with real clients as part of their curriculum. Each academic year, there are nearly 15,000 visits to Nazareth’s clinics in the WRI, which provide countless learning opportunities for Naz students. Even for students who aren’t studying in these fields, the WRI is a great place to visit and see the great strides Nazareth has made in making a difference for students and the local community.

Stop in the Center for Life’s Work

One of the most important stops on a tour of the campus is the Center for Life’s Work, which houses the college’s internship department, career services, and the Center for Civic Engagement. Nazareth puts a huge focus on experiential learning, and encourages students to get out of the classroom to gain as much real-life experience as possible. Students have completed internships all across the country, including cities like Philadelphia, Las Vegas, and Washington D.C. In my junior year, I had the chance to complete an internship at Butler/Till, which is one of the top advertising agencies in the country. In addition, Nazareth provides all students with a Career Coach, who is an expert in helping students in specific academic programs with resumes, cover letters, and internship and job searches. If you have any career questions during or after your visit, the Center for Life’s Work crew would be happy to help.

Grab a Souvenir in the Bookstore

Once I was done with my visit, I had to stop by Nazareth’s Bookstore to get a memento from the trip. They have all sorts of Naz swag available, but my favorite purchase was my Nazareth College Business shirt, which I still proudly wear to this day. Getting a few keepsakes from the trip helped me reminisce on the day that I decided to come to Nazareth, which was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Whether you already have your heart set on a school, or are still deciding on your favorite, college visits can change everything, and make a tough decision a lot easier. If you want to visit Nazareth, you can register for a visit and tour, or try a virtual tour if you can’t make it in person.