One of the things I’m most grateful for in life is that my mother encouraged me to visit every single college I applied before and after I received my acceptance decision. The fall of my senior year of high school, I traveled to Virginia, Massachusetts, Vermont, and all over New York to see each of the colleges I thought would be a good fit for me to continue my education, and each one of them taught me something different.

When I went down to Virginia with my mother, I learned two things: I’m definitely a Northern girl and I do not like sororities. One of the reasons I chose Nazareth is so I wouldn’t have to feel the pressure of rushing a sorority and adding more stress to my plate my first year of college. I also decided that I wanted to remain up north, where I could see all four seasons transform my new home. Vermont had all the seasons, but seemed just a little too small for me. I did love the older feel that Virginia and Massachusetts both had, but found that here at Nazareth too with its rich history, traditional architecture, and connection to the Sisters of St. Joseph.

While I liked most of the other school’s campuses, the minute I stepped foot on Naz’s campus as an accepted student, it felt like home. Being from the Finger Lakes region, I had visited Rochester a lot when I was younger and was slightly familiar with parts of the city. The sunsets were the same as they were at my house, and the trees were just as big and perfect for hammocking with friends. I could see all the seasons pass me by, and would have plenty of opportunities to join clubs and meet friends with similar interests. Everyone I met on my visit was so friendly and eager for me to join them here at Naz, and it made my decision that much easier. I’m grateful I had the chance to see every school and decide not only about where to continue my education, but where I wanted the rest of my life to begin as well. 

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