I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad my freshman year of college and it was the absolute best time of my life! I was extremely fortunate to go to England and Northern Ireland to learn about the 21st century museums vs older museums. I urge anyone who is interested to take the class Museums in the 21st Century with Dr. Kneeland. It was one of the most eye opening classes that I have taken at Nazareth College. There were so many different things that occurred and memories made! Here are lessons that I learned while traveling from London to Oxford to Liverpool to Belfast, Ireland and back to Rochester, New York. 

1. Push yourself out of your comfort zone 

When I was preparing for the trip I was a little anxious about traveling abroad. I was anxious as a type one diabetic who has never left the country without the comfort of my family and friends who know my illness. But in reality, one of the best parts of studying abroad was seeing how accommodating the United Kingdom is to those who need more accessibility. One of the most memorable moments from the trip was when my glucose levels dropped and a guard at Windsor Castle was extremely accommodating and there for me. He instantly said, “Madam, do you need anything?” and had his finger on the walkie talkie ready to call for help. Without putting myself out there, I would not have had some of the best times in the United Kingdom with new found friends. 

2. Go with the flow! 

While in London and Liverpool, there were numerous times that we had time to explore the cities. In London, my friends and I were wandering around Hyde Park. My friend Amanda wanted to go to Hyde Park because of Kensington Palace and to promenade around the park like those in Bridgerton. While wandering around the park, we came across the Royal Albert Hall. We honestly had no idea how we had gotten there. Just a little walk from the Royal Albert Hall, we came across the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. The memorial was incredible as it was a continuous stream in a loop for people to splash around in. After a very long day of walking, we decided to get into the water! It was so refreshing and fun to splash around in the water! There were so many times that the most fun we had was when we were wandering around with no agenda. Without having a strict plan it allowed us to find things we never would have. 

3. Take advantage of your time abroad 

While abroad, do everything that you can and want to do. I would think to myself, “when am I going to be in England or Northern Ireland again?” Take every opportunity and chance that you can. My friends and I decided to see Six the musical on the West End. It was the most AMAZING experience ever. I have loved the show and was super excited when I realized that we had time to see it. There were so many things that we wanted to do but had to make sure to do the ones that mattered the most to us. Taking the time to realize that it was important to me to go to 221B Baker Street. Take every chance you can to do something that you want to! 

4. Take a chance 

To those Naz students who are reading this blog post, I urge you to take advantage of your SPARK grant and study abroad. I can assure you that those two weeks spent abroad were the best I have ever had. Finding a study abroad program that entirely focused on museums was such a highlight. Being from a small town with little to no museums, it was incredible to go to places like the British Museum to the Globe Theater!  These memories will be with me forever, from exploring Paddington Station to getting lost on the Tube with my friends for an hour! This trip brought me closer to my roommate, closer with an old friend and made some new ones along the way! If I hadn’t taken the chance to study abroad I would not have some of the best friends or the crazy and amazing life long memories! If you are interested in studying abroad, look into it! You never know where it might lead you!