It’s been more than a year since the lockdown has started. Also known as the time Zoom took over all our social interactions. But after a year, we are still relying on Zoom to attend some of our classes, so it’s safe to say that we’re all a bit Zoomed out. But, I have learned a lot about surviving those dreaded Zoom calls.

First of all, hour-long lectures can get boring on their own. Put them online and you’re already zoned out. My advice: keep those hands busy. Try taking your notes on paper. It will help your brain receive all the information and keep you physically invested in the class. I get restless just sitting at my desk for a class so I like to have some sort of fidget toy to keep my hands busy. It’s an easy, mindless way to avoid boredom. For the lack of a better term, the goal is to stay awake because your professors can’t catch you with your camera off.

That brings me to my next tip: LEAVE THAT CAMERA ON! Be accountable for yourself. You know if you turn your camera off, no one can tell if you’re paying attention or even at your computer. You will be more alert and focused on your class when you know the professor can see you. I used to turn my camera off until I realized how much more fun class is when I leave it on. It helps break the technological barrier between you, your classmates, and your professors. 

Be honest with yourself, if your classes are mostly online, how often do you leave the dorm? A great way to avoid that Zoom blues is to get out of your room. Try a change of scenery. It’s getting warmer in Pittsford, so take a class outside. Maybe go to the dorm lounge or the library. If you can’t move for class, try going out during your breaks. Take a walk around campus or eat lunch outside. Do your homework on a picnic bench. Whatever it takes to get your eyes off a screen and your body in the sun. 

Speaking of getting your eyes off the screen, lock your phone away! It’s bad enough that your class is on your laptop where you’re one click away from a distraction. Put your phone in your drawer or your backpack. Whatever you need to do to avoid that temptation. You will be so much more invested in your classes and will get more out of them. And for your computer, keep Zoom in full screen. If you don’t see other windows, you won’t be tempted to click on them. 

Another great way to stay focused in your classes is to participate as much as possible. If you get put in break-out rooms, be the first to break the silence. Get that discussion going because you might help a classmate. Or they might help you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. But don’t put them in the chat. If you have the opportunity to unmute, do it! Your professor will appreciate the interaction. Just typing in the chat can be more disconnecting than engaging. Try contributing to class discussions UNPROMPTED. You’ll remember the material better. And, you might even bring in a new point of view that was needed in the conversation. Plus, your professor will know you’re paying attention.

I’m not saying I’m a Zoom expert but I’ve got a year of survival under my belt. These are just the tips I’ve picked up along the way. As a quick wrap-up, remember to keep your hands busy, leave your camera on, get out of your room, lock up that phone and keep participating. I hope these tips help you out the next time you Zoom in!