Hi, my name is Daniela Mercado, but everyone calls me Dani. I am now a senior at Nazareth College, and I can say that the next four years of your college experience will pass by quicker than you think. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? That, you will have to decide for yourself at the end.

In college, you will learn a lot about education, what you are studying, the people around you, the world, and yourself. It will be a journey full of smiles, laughter, discovery, welcomed late nights, dreaded late nights, stress, some tears (or several, and that is okay).

Through it all, you go day by day until there is no more “next semester” cause you will have your cap and gown in your hand instead. Before you get there, here is some advice to take as you wish from me to you.

First Things First… You

College can be very overwhelming. For some, it will be their first time away from home, like it was for me, and that can come with a feeling of being homesick. It can be hard to adjust to your new surroundings and routine, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Call your friends, family, or anyone you know who helps make you feel a little better. It might take some time, but I promise it does get better as you start to build and find spots and people at Nazareth that you know make you feel at home. 

More so, the best piece of advice I can give you is to welcome your personal growth. Try new things, dye your hair (trust me, it is a lot of fun, make sure to wear gloves when you do it), draw fake tattoos and then get real tattoos, change up your style, do anything you have wanted to try out, but have been too scared or hesitant to do. Worst case scenario, you realize that you do not like the new change, and you learn more about what you do want instead.


Classes are important. Classes are fun, but they can also be mentally draining and hard to balance. You won’t enjoy every course you take, but you also will not hate every class you take. Sometimes the class you pick with the least enthusiasm is the one you end up liking the most. 

Take a class outside of your major or about a topic you have always wanted to study. It could inspire you to take up a minor or supplement your other studies.

With that being said, know that you are doing enough. Always do more when and if you want to, or when you gain an opportunity to carry forward with a plan or idea of yours, but do not feel pressure to constantly add more and more to your plate because “it will look good on your resume.” You are doing enough. Waking up and going to class amongst everything you have to do to keep going is already enough, especially when the whole world can change in an instant as it did with COVID.

In moments that you feel like you can not accomplish your goals, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you can because in the words of Naruto Uzumaki, “Believe it!”

Do not be scared of asking your professors for help. They are more than happy to help you with any questions you have about their class. If you are struggling with the material then go to the study sessions, office hours, and show your professor that you care and that you are trying your best.

Lastly, classes and work can be exhausting. Pick a hobby that distracts you from academics and clears your mind. You have to give yourself time to rest and do things that make you happy. Some hobbies I recommend are skating with friends, painting, and watching the sunset. Nazareth has beautiful sunsets, especially during the spring semester.


Coming into your freshman year can be nerve-racking for multiple reasons. Making friends can be one of them. Finding a person or people you want to hang out, go on study breaks, and eat at the CAB or dining hall with can be difficult.

Talk with our roommate(s) and see if your vibes match up well. Have a conversation with your next dorm neighbor, talk to the person next to you in class, talk to someone you see with a cool shirt or pin on their bookbag. I know it might feel weird to do that, but people are only people, and for the most part, you can look back at all of those conversations you had and cringe a little, laugh at it, and even find some interesting people you want to hang out with.

With that being said, as you progress through your years, know that sometimes friend groups change, and that is okay. Also, take a lot of pictures, vlogs, and write down funny quotes or moments; then at the end of your senior year, you will have a collection of your memories to laugh, cry, and smile at all over again.

You got this college journey in the bag! Make your dorm your home, kick your tests out of the water, and blossom into the person you want to be.