The effect music has on my life is mind-blowing. While I’m driving home from campus after an entire day busy with classes, I turn on my favorite ballads, all alone, with the windows down and my mind open. It changes the course of my night and makes me feel like I’m the main character in my own movie. Music has helped me during some of the most difficult times in my life and also lifted me up while I was already feeling good!

Going to concerts is one of my favorite things to do as it’s a time for my friends and I to make some amazing memories! It’s fun to relive those times when I hear that music again.

Also: What better way to get to know a person than to dive into their music? It sounds corny, but music really does bring people together. 

Here are some of my most favorite tunes, why I love them, why you should love them and what they’re best for (in my opinion). I encourage you to make a playlist of your life, maybe for a project or even to give to someone so they can get to know you! 

The perfect song to help you realize that you’re still young and life is a journey:  Vienna by Billy Joel

This song is a classic. If you’ve never heard it, give it a listen even if it’s just to say you’ve heard it before. There’s a lot of symbolism in this song and it’s taken a lot of different ways, but I like to think it means that even though we get so caught up with where we want to be, we still need to enjoy the present, because we’ll see the future someday. 

A great song that’s upbeat and will remind you that you’re on the right track: Compass by Lady A 

This song has a special place in my heart because my mom, grandfather, and I all find meaning in the symbol of a compass. This song seems like it’d be in a movie montage with some people on their coming of age adventure hiking through the beautiful wilderness.

When young love seems so hard: Slow Dancing In a Burning Room by John Mayer

Take your own meaning from this song, but when you pay attention to the lyrics, no matter who you are, you’ll understand the sadness of when it feels like love is fading away. I’m not promising this song will make you feel better if you’re struggling with your relationship or on the outs with someone you love, but sometimes sad songs comfort you. 

To turn your dreary day around: I Think I Like When it Rains by Willis 

This song is very reminiscent of the way things used to be. When I listen to it, it makes me appreciate the rain and all of the good things in my life that have happened to me with the people I love, even when it’s raining! Definitely a very chill song that you can even use for studying. 

A very wholesome song that’ll only make your day better. (Also a great song if you’re crushing hard): Dandelions by Ruth B

You can quite literally imagine yourself in a field of flowers on a beautiful sunny day when you listen to this song. 

A nice, chill study song… that isn’t just sad or slow: Arizona by Joshua Kerr

This song recounts the feelings someone had on a trip with the person they used to love. It has a great tempo, isn’t too somber, but also isn’t so upbeat that you can’t concentrate on your work. I really like this song, it’s one of my favorites lately for almost anything. 

A song that ALWAYS makes me feel better: Heaven Falls by Surfaces 

I always get a smile on my face when I hear this song. In a cheesy way, it always makes me feel better about life! I feel like you can sing this song even if you’re the worst singer ever because it’s just one of the most perfect songs! 

When you want to support local artists: In My Bed by Beach Tower 

I actually went to high school with one of the artists in this band, and I love this song that they made. It genuinely is a good song and I know that when I’m listening to it, I’m helping a group of young college students’ dreams of pursuing music come true!

Last but not least, my favorite song (at the moment): People Watching by Conan Gray 

I’m gonna leave the description of this song and what it means to me pretty open ended because I want you to listen to it! I promise it is worth it. 

This is just a short list of some of the songs that have a special place in my heart. I hope this inspires you to listen to some new music or revisit some of your favorite songs.