


Surviving Finals Season 101 

Finals: the word every college student hates. We’ve been out of school for almost a week now, but every student had to power through exam week to get here. Finals all seem impossibly long or impossibly cumulative, and we do not like them. They sound…

Campus Life

No Football, No Problem 

A good portion of my college search was through online research, scrolling through school websites, watching video tours of campuses, and browsing through lists of major program. So if you find yourself doing the same to try and get a feel for a school’s campus…


Playlists For All 

I don’t know about you, but I love playlists. Whenever I’m hanging out with my friends, I almost always become the DJ. I have a playlist for almost any and every occasion and get together. They’re so fun to create and share with friends, and…


Learning Outside of the Classroom 

One of my favorite things about Nazareth is the variety of classes and learning opportunities available to students. Thanks to small class sizes, averaging about 18 students per class, students can really tailor their educational experience to fit their individual needs. Students are able to…

Campus Life

My Top Naz Experiences (So Far!) 

When you ask most college graduates what they enjoyed most about college, you’re likely to hear about the various non-academic experiences they participated in. They’ll tell you to get involved, and to take advantage of everything college has to offer. It’s great advice! As a…