The season of gratitude is upon us once again. Meanwhile, the stress of exams, school projects, and holiday preparations have a habit of sneaking up on us, especially this time of year! It is all too easy to become overwhelmed, and completely overlook the true reason for why we celebrate this season. However, I will use this blog to (hopefully) recenter your focus, clear your minds, and provide some inspirational energy to put forth during this time of year. I am a firm believer that practicing even just a small amount of gratitude every day can change a person’s perspective of life for the better. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s a list of a few things I’m grateful for on campus!

Center For Life’s Work
Not exaggerating one bit, if it were not for the Center For Life’s Work (CFLW) and my career coach, Emily Marchese, I would feel very lost. Consulting with the CFLW has opened my options on career choices for when I graduate. Besides job searching, the CFLW has always provided ample encouragement and inspiration that has fueled my passion for planning ahead.
Because of the CFLW and my amazing career coach, I was able to participate in an internship at 585 Magazine this past summer. Before meeting with my career coach, I did not know where to start on the application process of looking for internships. I didn’t even have an undergraduate resume designed! However, through simple and easy steps, Emily Marchese not only taught me how to construct a professional resume and cover letter, but also went above and beyond in helping me search for the best places to apply.

Culinary Options on Campus
Anyone who knows me is aware that one of my favorite parts of the Nazareth campus is the CAB and Cafè Sorrelle’s. The CAB offers the choice of both grill and deli foods, but the fried and grilled side are my personal favorite. My ideal order is a cheese burger with two sides: fried mozzarella sticks and the best sweet potato fries you will ever eat! However, if I need a quick pizza fix, I like to head on down to the basement of GAC and grab a personal cheese pizza with the fluffiest crust imaginable!
Café Sorelle

My Professors:
As an English literature major, I am very grateful for all the amazing professors I have been fortunate enough to study under, these two and one half semesters I’ve been here. My first professor I greatly appreciate is Dr. Wiltse and his endless encouragement and belief in me, even when I doubt myself. To this day, he still takes time out of his very busy schedule to visit me in the English resource room (which he has jokingly named my “office”) and asks how I’m doing, and what my plans are after graduation. I highly encourage anyone who has an interest in learning about Ireland and its history to take his “Irish Literature and Culture” class.
I could honestly write an entire blog just about my appreciation for all the professors I’ve had thus far at Nazareth. Each professor has a fascinating story as to why they personally chose to pursue the path they are on. If you have the time, I highly encourage you to ask your professors about the journey it took for them to get to the place they are now.

My Adviser
I am grateful to have Dr. Foran as my adviser and British Literature professor. Besides always being available to help me plan for my next semester, my adviser has offered me countless encouragement in pursuing my passions. I greatly appreciate how my adviser is always excited to have conversations with his students, even if the conversation is not entirely adviser or class related. I am grateful to have his expert assistance in order to ensure I make the best future for myself, while having another member of the staff who connects with me as a peer while being a mentor.

I am grateful to be a proud member of the Bookworms Club, and I appreciate how Nazareth has so many opportunities for students to get involved. I love this club because we are required to read very short, yet captivating stories for fun in our spare time. Then, when the club meets once a month (which is easy to fit into a busy student’s schedule like mine own) we all have a discussion about the stories and our impressions. The club provides a very relaxed environment with complimentary food and drinks for everyone who attends. I look forward to every meeting because I get to connect with all my peers over tasty treats and sparkling conversation.
Bookworm’s webpage
IG: NazbookWorms

Friends Made Since Transferring
One of the things I am most grateful for, is the relationships I have formed with my peers. It has been a blessing to have a group of people who personally resonate and care for me that I get to see every day at school. I came to Nazareth knowing hardly anybody, as a transfer student from MCC through the 2+2 program. Now, I feel as though I cannot go anywhere without seeing a friendly face! I honestly think having friends on campus has helped my sanity throughout the stress of finals. They remind me of how important it is to take a moment, have a good laugh, and just be human.

The Arts Center’s Free Student Tickets
Being a person who loves theater and the arts, I am grateful that students receive free tickets to shows in the arts center. Nazareth always has an exciting season of events to offer, not to mention the shows put on by the students in the theater and dance department. I cannot wait to see more events from the 2019 season!

Health and Counseling Services
Last, but certainly not least, I am grateful for all the services and events held by Health and Counseling. As a person who sought free counseling during a hard time, I was helped by a professional whose advice still impacts me to this very day. Health and Counseling welcomes everyone without judgment, and does everything in their power to ensure you live your life in the best way possible.
Aside from their counseling, I am grateful for their events. One of these was “Animal Therapy.” That day, my friend and I were feeling overwhelmed by our workload, so we decided to stop by the Health and Counseling building where we found a few animals on their lawn ready for some pets! That day, they had a black lab, golden retriever, shitzu, cat, and a fluffy English sheep dog. Within seconds, our stress melted and everyone that attended was smiling and laughing. The animals reminded us not to take life so seriously all the time and just enjoy the moment.

In conclusion, I want to encourage everyone to take some time out of their day to reflect on life and practice gratitude. Appreciating what is around you can be done any time of the day, and it doesn’t have to be limited to only the holiday season! My favorite way to  practice gratitude is to think of just three things I am grateful for when I wake up in the morning, and before I go to bed. This way, I can start and end my day with a positive mindset! If you commute, you can practice this on your car ride to campus. Focusing on gratitude will help you see any situation from a positive perspective, rather than only focusing on the stress or negative emotions. I hope these tips help you to refocus and enjoy the season! Happy Holidays!