
Author: Kylee Ego


Acing Spring Semester 

Let’s talk. Maybe fall semester didn’t go as planned or maybe you want it to go better. Like me, maybe you let things get ahead of you and you had a hard time playing catch up. Maybe you are just nervous for the spring semester….

Campus Life

Firsts & Lasts at Nazareth 

I’ve finally found the beauty of my senior year. I’m able to reflect on all of the amazing firsts I’ve experienced in my four years at Naz while bittersweetly being flooded by a lot of lasts that I will have too. I’ve made so many…

Academics, Campus Life

Study Where? 

It’s been almost 4 long years of studying and hopefully many more to come, so I feel comfortable saying I know some great spots to hunker down with your nose in your books and what to bring with you. Here are some of my highly…

Around Town, New!

Life Off Campus 

Since living in the city of Rochester during my junior and senior year I’ve had plenty of time to explore. Through lots of trial and error, late nights and long days, these are just a handful of places that I’ve really enjoyed making memories at! …