Incoming Freshman, this one’s for you and definitely your parents or guardians too! As you’re narrowing down the colleges you have to choose from, the small details start to become extremely important. Of course the dorms, clubs, athletics, academic departments, etc. are crucial to finding the right school for you but you can’t ignore what these schools are being awarded for! The beauty and success of Nazareth was really brought to life for me when I found the College in the Princeton Review’s Best Colleges books. In this year’s edition, Naz ranked among the best institutions for undergraduate education. The fact that Naz is so esteemed to be included and well ranked by the Princeton Review was incredibly helpful in my decision making process for my parents and myself. 

Not only was Nazareth recognized by Princeton Review many years in a row, the Wall Street Journal/Times ranked them nationally on the Higher Education College Ranking 2022 with high marks for civic engagement, a specialty for Naz I might add. 100% of Nazareth college students participated in community service efforts to promote the benefits of hands-on learning experiences. During my welcome weekend at Nazareth college, I had the opportunity to help a Rochester City School get some of their classrooms ready for their incoming students. It was such a valuable way to bond with my future classmates while also making an impact in the community. When I say civic engagement is a specialty for Naz, we have out Weider Civic Engagement Center to help every student find their benefit in engaging with the community. Washington Monthly recognized Nazareth for its strong support for students’ engagement in our local community, ranking it #7 in 2020 for community service among 614 masters universities in the U.S.! 

Whoever is on the receiving end of the tuition bill, you’re going to want to hear this bit! Nazareth was voted a best value college in America by Money Magazine in 2020-21 based on tuition fees, family borrowing, career earnings, and much more. Washington Monthly gave Nazareth another ranking in Best Bang for the Buck — Northeast 2021 for helping non-wealthy students attain marketable degrees at affordable prices. Of all of the colleges I applied to, Nazareth gave me the best financial aid and scholarship packages by far. It’s refreshing that Naz is not only recognized by institutions for their accolades in education but also their financial generosity. U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges 2022 Guide announced that Nazareth is a Best Value School, among the Best Regional Universities (North) and among the highest ranked for undergraduate teaching and for veterans. While I may not be a veteran and some of the things I have mentioned may not apply to you either, it is important to recognize that the college is working hard to create an environment for everyone. I am proud to say I go to a school that values all of its students, their backgrounds, their efforts and their futures. 

These are just some of the distinguishments Nazareth has received and ones that I imagine they pride themselves with. I am proud to be a Naz Golden Flyer and go to a college that strives to get better and better.