As the weather begins to heat up and the vibe around campus starts to become lively, I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite things to do on campus in some nice weather.

First and foremost, I love hanging in the quad (near the Clock Tower) and playing games outside with all my friends. We usually set up in the middle of the day once our classes are finished. We usually take a speaker out, enjoy music, and soak up the sun. Some of my favorite games to play are outdoor basketball, sauce hockey with my teammates (which is passing pucks in the air into a small net that your friend is trying to defend), spike-ball, and can-jam.

My friends and I also enjoy rollerblading around campus or renting bikes from BIKES @ NAZ and riding around the area. This is such a convenient resource for my friends and I to use as it gives us a free, quick, and easy option to have fun and get a little exercise/exploring in. I’ll also shoot hoops, throw a football, or kick a soccer ball around with my friends. The newly renovated outdoor basketball half court near the Kearney dorms is a great spot for us to play 3 on 3 basketball, knockout, or even a mini-game of street hockey!

The school also has awesome little pop-up events and socials like free snow cones or t-shirt giveaways, and then there is the awesome Springfest coming up. The headliner for this year was just announced and it’s huge news: Lupé Fiasco is coming to Naz! Yes, the same Lupé Fiasco that gave us the several chart-topping sing-alongs such as “The Show Goes On”, “Kick, Push” and “Superstar.” I am beyond excited for his performance!