If you ever see me around campus with bad posture and a bolder on my back, (don’t) mind your business. Honestly, my backpack puts mom purses to shame. I am the over prepared friend that brings snacks to a restaurant in case there’s a long wait, an air freshener for somewhat disappointing public bathrooms, and extra socks for when I step in a puddle in my crocs, or when my feet just get cold. If you might need it, bring it! Or don’t! But here’s eleven handy things I keep in my backpack for months at a time, just waiting for the right moment.

  1. Hand sanitizer. I used to think hand sanitizer was the superior form of cleansing before meals. I would wash my hands in the bathroom and go grab my hand sanitizer from my backpack when I got back to class. Now that I am more sane and have permanently dry hands, I have learned that it only disinfects, rather than washing off all of the germs, but I continue to keep at least one to-go sized hand sanitizer in my backpack. On the other hand, once our dear friend Corona hit, I was the coolest kid in the halls. Sparkly hand sanitizer, strawberry scented, or the kind that reminds you of clean laundry, you name it, I probably have it in my backpack. If not, then definitely in my bedroom, car, or real-life mom purse! It’s super useful, especially accompanied by some lotion for your covid-crusted hands. 10/10 recommend.
  2. Snacks! Probably the most used and replaced necessities in my “mom-backpack” are my snacks. I always have some kind of easy-to-eat snack with me. When I need some carbs in my life, my easiest snacks are Luna bars from the Roost or your favorite grocery store, or some pop tarts! I unshamefully love the chocolate dipped coconut Luna bars, and the cinnamon sugar pop tarts. Luna bars usually have at least 5 grams of protein, and pop tarts definitely have the sugary pick-me-up we all need sometimes! Even if by the time I need them, they’re all crumbled up, they still taste good and help me to get the job done. However, when I’m eating healthy that week, a bag of apples or a bundle of bananas never hurt anyone! They could be the cheapest, healthy snacks you can get multiple of in one trip, and they travel easily for my on-the-go lifestyle. An apple a day really does keep the doctor away! Likewise, did you know two bananas give your body enough energy to complete a 90-minute workout? I didn’t, but I certainly started adding bananas to my grocery list when I found out.
  3. Tums. Believe it or not, a midnight snack does not always leave you feeling refreshed when you get to class late at 8 a.m. While I do usually follow my 2 a.m. snack with breakfast before an 8 a.m., by the time 10 a.m. rolls around, my morning coffee usually has me feeling pretty sour. Luckily, my 8 a.m.’s have always been in GAC so I can take a tums to-go with my bagel from Cafe Sorell’s, but regardless, Tums are a lifesaver. There is nothing worse than finishing your lunch and heading to class feeling queasy, or sitting in class waiting for the right time to go to the bathroom. Tums to-go has saved me on multiple occasions. On another note, feeling a massive headache come on during your walk to class is frustrating. Advil, or your preferred pain-killer, can save your motivation, so you can look focused and prepared for class. Just make sure you always have a little something in your stomach before taking any kind of medication! That’s just another reason my on-the-go snack can save the day.
  4. Tide ToGo. Everyone knows that this is a hidden gem. No matter where you are, what you’re doing, or who you’re with, Tide ToGo could save a life (of your favorite shirt)! I have always had a rather colorful wardrobe, simply because I could never trust myself with any whites. I used to get free white t-shirts from college tours or sports camps and on my old volleyball team, I was known for wearing these shirts to practice as a light pink, or light blue, after my laundry day. Even though Tide ToGo can’t save a whole shirt, nowadays it’s always in my backpack for those hot sauce emergencies. You can’t always trust the buffalo chicken quesadillas from the CAB, but you can trust Tide ToGo! Your friends can too, as long as they’re enjoying their messy meals with you by their side.
  5. Post-its. Don’t you hate when you forget something as soon as you need to know it? Whenever I have unfortunately forgotten something for the third time, I grab a post-it note from my bag! I don’t know about you guys, but I remember things much more quickly when I physically write it down. Even if you don’t have a writing utensil, chances are someone around you is prepared with a pen, pencil, or even a highlighter or sharpie. Anything works! Although, I’m usually asked to “borrow” a pen or pencil in class because I also keep so many extras in my packed school bag, having something to write on can be half the battle. Once I write down my reminder on a post-it note, I either put it in my pocket, or stick it right in my agenda. Post-it notes can also work well for giving others information. Business cards aren’t very popular for our generation yet, but a Post-it with your email or phone number can at least get your information passed along. That was my latest use for my to-go Post-its! I was serving a table at work and got to know my customers so well that they offered me an internship. They asked for my name, number, and email and I was prepared with my Post-Its!
  6. Chargers. My chargers have found a new home in my school bag. It’s no secret that we rely on technology today more than ever. Even if your phone is on 100%, keeping your charger on you could help a friend, or prepare you for an accidental three-hour rabbit hole on tiktok. You need your computer charger for zoom wherever you may be and having your chargers on hand is never a waste of space.
  7. Socks. Growing up with Rochester weather has taught me that an extra pair of socks can go a long way. Picture this: you’re leaving your dorm at noon in your birks with 80-degree weather and then you get stuck in the arts center until “midnight”. Walking home or to your car during a chilly night can be a little more satisfying with warm toes! Not to mention, if you’re more of a croc-person like myself, puddles are never fun! Spare socks have saved me. This summer, I was serving outside at my job when the clouds came in hot and heavy with a thick downpour that lasted about a half hour. Fortunately, we didn’t have to close for the day because the sun came out, but the storm left my socks needing some love. Luckily, I had a spare of socks in my handy-dandy mom purse that made the rest of my shift a lot more enjoyable!
  8. Water Bottle. You don’t need a hydroflask to know that hydration is key! We can all afford to drink a little more water and keeping a water bottle on you is a constant reminder to stay hydrated. I like the ones with the straws that can fold over because they can keep the straw a little safer from outside germs, they keep my face a little dryer than bottles that you need to sip out of, and (maybe it’s just me but,) drinking from straws can be more fun or tempting. Plus, if you have a water bottle, you can refill them on campus at the hydration stations!
  9. Bobby Pins. Okay ladies, you know what I’m talking about. Once I’m heading to my fourth class of the day, my messy bun needs some TLC, but redoing it would ruin the vibe. Having some stray bobby pins in my backpack has never been a bad idea! If you’re worried about losing them, sometimes I keep my spare pins on my backpack’s zippers or exterior pockets, an extra hair tie on my wrist, or I weave them into the pockets or waistband of my pants. That way, I always know where they are when me or my friends need them. They can also be used as a paper clip, snack bag clip, zipper, or creative paint “brush”. Never underestimate the usefulness of a bobby pin, even you, guys!
  10. Makeup Wipes. No, they’re not the best for the environment, but Neutrogena’s individually wrapped makeup removers have saved my eyelashes from falling out. With ALL due respect to our planet, these can be dire times! Even if you find a to-go size of your favorite makeup remover, when you’re about to fall asleep at your BFF’s house, you need to take off your makeup, or else. Forgetting once and a while won’t kill you or your skin, but knowing that a breakout is coming never feels good. Not to mention, keeping mascara on can make your eyelashes fall out depending on the brand. Let’s end the overpriced lash extension trend, and take care of your eyelashes! Pro tip: putting canola oil on your lash line before you go to bed can make your lashes thicker and longer! Keeping deodorant, dry shampoo, or other extra feminine products in your bag is also a plus. You never know what your day may hold!
  11. Air Fresheners. 100 Points to Gryffindor for always being prepared to comfort your sense of smell! Luckily, they make to-go versions of Febreze air fresheners for your everyday needs. This can be a life saver for so many reasons. For example, you cannot trust public bathrooms! They can also be used in your car when you pick up a friend and realize your work shoes could use a good cleaning. You may have come to terms with your smelly shoes, but your guests don’t have to! Lastly, a good spritz never hurts on laundry day or cleaning day. Smelling too good is always better than being remembered for smelling too bad.

Don’t get me wrong, my backpack does also keep all of my school supplies for the day, but in my experience, these “hacks” have been very useful to me and to whoever is lucky enough to be around when I am over prepared. Even keeping some disinfectant wipes, tissues, mints, or a nail file can make your day a little better, and we can always use a reason to make our lives a little easier. Lastly, I in no way endorse giving yourself bad posture or back pain due to a heavy school bag, but I do have pride in my wanna-be mom purse/school bag and my Icy Hot always help any neck pain I get, heavy school bag, or not. If you don’t have the space or energy to over pack your bag, feel free to find me on campus! I’m happy to give whatever I can to help out a fellow student. 🙂