Dear Lauren,

Welcome to the craziest year of your life. You’re probably sitting in your bedroom you’ve had forever, in the your favorite town in the whole world, not knowing what you want to do or where you’ll be a year from now. Life is so good, but it’s all about to change. It might be scary now, but you’ll make it. Take my advice for these last few months as a senior, and as you transition to your first few months as a freshman.

Don’t slack off just yet. You might be sick of the high school routine, and while you may never pick up a protractor again, give that last math final your best effort. You don’t want to get used to lazy ways before college.

Pay attention on that college tour. Ask questions. Chat with the students you meet. Read the bulletin boards. Envision yourself there. Don’t worry, you’ll find your way around campus and you will find clubs, classes and people that interest you.

Hug your mom. Be nice. These changes coming up can be stressful for everyone. Remember that your family and friends are going through the college process with you, and they have the same apprehensions and exciting feelings you have. Spend time with the people you love before you go off to your new home-away-from-home.

Trust in the roommate process. Getting a random roommate is like a little adventure. Maybe this stranger will be your lifelong best friend. Maybe they won’t. Either way, there are sure to be some ups and downs. It’s all part of the gig.

alz walk 1

Now bear with me, I know that your college days are just around the corner, and yet some days they seem so far away. When it’s time to load up the car and get out the door, there are a few more things I think you should know.

You don’t need to pack every t-shirt. Yes, that one’s your favorite but trust me, as soon as you go to the first day of freshman orientation, all you’re going to want to wear is your new Nazareth gear, and there isn’t that much room in the dorm closet.

Get organized. Use binders. Staple the papers you turn in. Clear your study space. Figure out how you study best. Plan when you will finish that essay if you choose to get pizza instead of go to the library.

Go get pizza. The memories that you will make with your friends are what will keep you sane during your busiest days. I promise.

Stay on campus, but not in your room. There is always something to do if you look for it. Be open to new things and new experiences. This is where you’ll make the friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

Don’t let your fears hold you back. All these new things coming your way can be scary, but you’ll never know how amazing something is until you try it. Quidditch sounds fun, but what if no one will go with me? Go anyway. Try it.

There are going to be some long days. But that’s not what you’ll remember about your college days. When you’re a senior, you’ll be so happy that you made the most of your time at Nazareth that you won’t want to leave. This will become your second home, and the people here will be your second family. So, relax, take a deep breath, and keep up the good work.

From where I’m standing, it’s all worth it.


Future Lauren


Read the rest of the series here:

Packy Jones

Emily Ahlheim

Jouli Mikhail