
Tag: clubs

Campus Life

How to Fight Homesickness 

The first couple months of my freshman year were a blur—a fast-paced, excitement-filled blur. Not only was I getting used to living in a different timezone than my family, but I was also adjusting to the intensity of college courses, balancing my time between volleyball…

Campus Life

My Top Naz Experiences (So Far!) 

When you ask most college graduates what they enjoyed most about college, you’re likely to hear about the various non-academic experiences they participated in. They’ll tell you to get involved, and to take advantage of everything college has to offer. It’s great advice! As a…

Campus Life

Getting Involved on Campus as a Freshman 

I was bombarded with information about the different “involvement opportunities” offered at every college I toured. Tour guides would constantly tout how great said college’s campus was, how many student organizations/clubs were offered on campus, etc. As a high school senior on tour, college seemed…